Videos use in Multi-level marketing has skyrocketed in 2008. MLM websites have shifted their focus from the “* FREE! FREE! FREE!*” (glaringly suspicious asterisk) pitches to friendly expertise video models. The typical bombastic text usually encountered when you click on a new MLM website has been bound up and sealed away in
some ebook yet to be purchased. Instead, an automated flash player video greets me promising a better way to boost my business. Nearly a dozen sites now market free videos that introduce human testimonials and products that, in a uncanny way, remind me of You Tube home entertainment.
I’ve looked around at several of these free video systems hot in the industry. The video system has recently seemed more user friendly and entertaining than reading website text. However, I have quickly found out that free videos differ in two ways.
The video model always promises to be a free teaching tool, but rarely does it hold up. Among Mike Dillard, the Spiderweb System, and other video producing marketers, only the Spiderweb System actually functions as a free system that caters to the user specifically. Dillard’s model adds up to being a seven day, seven video commercial that attempts(poorly) to downplay its ultimate goal of selling me an ebook. How disappointing. My time wasted watching all seven videos was time wasted watching an infomercial.(Could have done that at two in the morning instead.) When
I finished one video I had to excruciatingly wait until the next day when I was given “access” to view the next, which happened to be (unsurprisingly and disconcertingly) precariously similar to the video I had watched the day before. Fishy business in my opinion. Although the medium has changed from tag lines: “FREE FREE FREE**” to “introduction videos,” Dillard’s aim (like the rest of the MLMs) functions ultimately to sell a silly ebook that gets me no where in the marketing world.
With such an experience, you can imagine my skepticism when I tried the new SpiderWeb System videos. I wanted to know if this new medium of MLM could hold it promise and implement well into my business. Hosted by the founder of The SpiderWeb System himself, Kimball Roundy, the videos are straightforward and aren’t trying to sell me any ebook full of “secrets” at the end. Instead of talking to me about his product, Kimball had set everything in place for me to begin making passive income during the first five minutes of the first video and willing taught me how to boost my business right then and there (which sold me on his way of doing MLM). I didn’t have to go back and re read anything !!
Instead I was setting up my new business strategies right then, during the video time. (Talk about a time saver.) The comprehensive and user friendly videos are available in full at any time to me without charge and each walks me through a step-by-step process that got me somewhere immediately. There is no “revolutionary” ebook to buy when the curtains closed, only internet suave and down line girth.
In boosting my home business I tried and tried a different Company, then another, then another, I spent THOUSANDS of dollars on training courses and “Proven Turnkey Systems”, I spent THOUSANDS of dollars on leads but never came across an actual video that could help with any of my efforts. Until .... The SpiderWeb Marketing System. These videos worked in a completely different way than Dillard’s or any other MLM company has. They actually deliver the product and set in place the way for me to get somewhere in my business, at my convenience (as opposed to the seven day wait). The video model hot in the MLM industry is being used in two ways it seems: on one hand, it functions like a longer, more enticing commercial for an ebook. But on the other hand, and alone in the market, the SpiderWeb System uses videos as their medium for actually teaching and setting up my own business better, free of charge, ZERO cost !!
This new way of using videos by The SpiderWeb system has allowed me to start gaining multiple streams of income efficiently and effectively. I am excited to start work toward that big dream of Work less hours, Become a Millionaire, Buy my Dream Car, Enjoy my time and my life my way.
To check out the only system in the MLM industry that uses free video tutorials in a real, efficient, and non-commercial way visit The SpiderWeb Marketing System only five minutes, and you’ll experience the difference.
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Thursday, January 29, 2009