Now, it is Time to Setup Your Account So You Can Get:And You Get it All For Only $1!
Signup now and take advantage of our limited time offer to try out the FULL Membership for only $1. You will have a full 14 Days to see how many followers we get you, and how easy it is to refer people as an affiliate.
If we have not blown you away by how many followers you get then you can cancel it and not pay a dollar more. It's that simple.
When you ARE BLOWN AWAY by how powerful this is, and decide to keep letting us build your following for you, and that you want to make double your commissions every month then your membership payments will be just $37 Per Month
This VERY LOW $37 Price is also for a limited time. Other Systems out there are charging$5 PER DAY or more for systems that don't do HALF what will be doing for you. (That is More than $150 Per Month!)
Signup NOW To Take Advantage of the Limited Time $1 Trial and to Lock in your LOW $37 Per month membership.....Your link:
Posted by
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Another great idea from Alvin Phang.
"Launching In June 2009, Here's Just Preview Of What The Twitter Online System Can Do For You...
We Have Helped Created 130120 New Followers & Counting Since 15th May 2009 For This Beta Launch...
Increase Your Twitter Followers Today By Filling In Your Twitter Details Below The More You Refer The More Followers You Will Get!"
* Totally white hat (NO API)
* Get more followers!
* The more you refer the more followers you get!
* Works with any Twitter account
* It's FREE!
* See instant results!
* And much more...
Sign Up here
Posted by
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Check out this cool brand new randomizer scheduled to launch on 21st May 2009. It is the brainchild of Arthur Alston and in this randomizer you pay US$ 6 and is divided 2-2-2, one part to the Owner, one for random member and one for your referral effort.
What you Get as a member of Adderup:
* Your Very Own site Just like this
* An Affiliate Link to refer other members
* Lifetime Advertising
* 10 Banner Ads
* 10 Text Ads
* Random Payments
* Bonus EBooks
* Banners
* Top Notch Places Promote your Affiliate Link
* Stats counter to see how many people have clicked your Affiliate link
* View your Downline
Sign Up and get those Paypal and Alertpay emails dropping in your mailbox ;)
Posted by
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Dear Readers,
I have been a member for many months of 10k matrix and despite their level best efforts to make the program succeed the member count has stagnated.
Hence, my decision to withdraw from the program altogether and concentrate on my 3900income wealth distribution matrix. Personally I believe 10k is failing because you need such a staggering amount of people in order to reach the goal of 10k...
Furthermore, I am getting very busy with my offline work and have less time to do online biz, so I need to scale down a bit until my jobs gives me more time.
Posted by
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
What if I told you there is a way to get more visitors and online advertising automatically, and it's GUARANTEED to work?
Now what if I told you it won't cost you a fact it won't even cost you a dime!
There's a new tool called Traffic Python that will do exactly that...and it gets even BETTER...
To use the Traffic Python, not only is there no cost, but also you don't need to make big changes to what you already do. Just make 1 simple change (takes about 30 seconds) and watch the visitors roll in and the views of your ads explode!
Now if you're skeptical, good! You should be...with all of the hype out there it's hard to believe anything anymore. I know I didn't buy it when I first saw the tool.
But then I USED it...
I can tell you, without a doubt, it works! In fact:
- You do NOT have to trade time or manual effort for traffic
- You do NOT have to install anything on your computer
- You do NOT have to paste tedious HTML code on your webpages
- You do NOT need to know anything about programming
- You do NOT have to agree to getting slammed with ads yourself
- You WILL increase your traffic and advertising, guaranteed
- It WILL work for you regardless of what niche you’re in
- It IS 100% legal, 100% ethical, and 100% “above board”
- You WILL be reaching REAL prospects who want to buy your offers
- The traffic and advertising you gain will INCREASE the longer you use it
This thing is great, and it's unlike anything I've seen. But the easiest way to explain it is for you to see it for yourself. Just go here....
This is REALLY cool.
PS - They may start charging for it soon, so get over there now...
Posted by
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Free weekly lotto is a fun way to try and win money. You get every week an x amount of tickets and in order to play one ticket you need to look at an ad, i.e. 1 for 1. Once a week is not too bad to look at 15-25 ads and also get the chance to win millions. The best thing about free weekly lotto is that it is completely free as they say, no hidden fees. Have a go and sign up:
Sign Up here
Posted by
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Instantbuzz is an easy way of getting advertising credits. You just install their toolbar onto your browser and every time you change pages a new ad is shown. Very discreet and many other ways to earn credits, also easy to follow instructions of how to go about it.
Posted by
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Just a short note that I was paid $148 from 3900income, see below the Alertpay statement.
Some of the members in my downline that had not upgraded were compressed out.
3900income paying membership stands at the moment as 1700+.
At the moment we can't mail our downlines to offer assistance as the function has been abused by a few members and they had spammed their d/l with offers.
Posted by
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Today, it is not impossible to work from home and be successful. You can have both time and success in your hands as long as you know how to play the game. All it takes is to pay more attention to the opportunities that the internet community can open up to you.
Work from Home Business
There are many individuals today who are getting burned out. They get tired of their routine jobs. They get exhausted when too much time is spent at work and they do not get to rest at all. What makes it even worse is that most of these jobs do not pay well at all.
If you think you are one of these people, then reconsider your situation now. Work from home business may just be the alternative you are waiting for.
Being able to work at home will give you the opportunity to become your own boss.You need not worry about being late in your job or getting scold at by a superior. You can also determine your own schedule and need not get stuck on a tiring routine. Furthermore, you can have more time to spend with your family and friends, or even to develop a skill or talent.
How to Succeed with the Home-Based Business
All these things about work-at-home businesses are very wonderful to listen to. However, it is not enough that you know these things. It is best that you take the first step to make your own story of success.
It is not difficult to be successful in this endeavor. You have to take into account that you have the internet technology now to aid you in achieving the goal. Just consider the possibilities and make use of the tools available. It is best also to find a good online marketing strategy.
One of the more popular marketing strategies being employed by online entrepreneurs is the MLM method. MLM stands for Multi-level marketing. An MLM business can be your tool to be successful even if you are just at home for work.
The MLM method allows you to join an affiliate site or program. Once you are part of the system, you can start exploring options to recruit other people in your own network. These recruits will then make their own efforts to get more people and to sell. Whenever they pay a due or sell a product,you get a commission.
This has worked already for many people.There are many success stories that will make
you want to enjoy the same.
To enjoy the same success, be sure to get a good hold of the MLM strategy. Make sure that you are able to identify people who are interested in doing prospect you have in mind. It also pays to be able to build relationships online. Explore also other
options that will introduce you to more individuals who share the same interests. With these tips at hand,building your network will be an easy feat.
There is nothing to fear when you consider the possibility of working from home. Success can still be within your reach.You also get to put time in your hands and have more control of your situation. Just maximize the opportunities offered by
MLM and you can surely reach your goal.
The SpiderWeb Marketing System is a Great Opportunity to start your Homebusiness.
Click HERE to find out more
Posted by
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
There are a lot of Home Based Business out there which don’t really tell you the truth about how this really works.Most off them are scams.I only found a couple of businesses that really works.So be sure you check your business out,before you get involved in it.
…Wouldn’t it be nice to make a ton of money with minimal effort from home in your pajamas? I know that I’d love to have more time with my family and have tens of thousands of dollars flowing into my bank account each month working only a few hours a week from the comfort of my own home, no boss looking over my shoulder.
Is this really possible? Is there a way to make a ton of money on the internet with little work and a low investment? Or even a high investment if the return is high enough to rationalize it? We certainly have been told that there are by the hundreds of so-called marketing “gurus” on the internet.
It doesn’t matter if it is real estate investing, selling by classified ads, stock marketing investing, buying a book/course on how to build your own internet business, internet affiliate marketing, or High Yield Investment Programs (HYIP’s). We have all been told the same fantastic claims of how these individuals make a ton of money and how they can show you ways to duplicate their success.
I have learned over the last 5 years that 99% of these people and systems are total frauds. They are mere schemes that prey on the hopes and dreams of people that want to make a better life for themselves. You may have fallen prey to some of these scam artists, convincing you to buy their latest “get rich quick” scam. Me too. I can’t recall how many of these programs that I have bought over the years, I have dozens of e-Books collecting dust on my hard drive. I always think that this one is different and this is what I need to “make it”.
I don’t know why, but I guess I see the “good” in people and was “sold” time and time again after being duped by their marketing scheme. That is until I got FED UP!
Finally, I decided to do something about it. I decided to get to the bottom of this fascination we all have with get rich quick schemes and home based businesses and find out if there are any LEGITIMATE programs out there for making money.
I literally contacted the administrator or owner of every “get rich quick” or home based business website I could find. Posing as an investor I convinced them that I was seriously interested in buying their entire website and/or business. That way once the dollar signs started flashing in their heads they would give me access to the members area so I could see what I would be “buying.” Well, I was absolutely disgusted with 99% of what I found. Many of the owners even boasted about how many people bought their useless products.
I repeatedly found:
* Outdated Information
* No real support
* Products. (Many of them didn’t even have any real products, they just wanted you to recruit new people into the business)
* Links that were supposed to give me all kinds of info turned out to be dead and sent me nowhere
* There weren’t any real opportunities to achieve a full-time income right away
* Zero Customer Service, once you part with your money your left hanging out to dry all by yourself
* A lack of any detailed information, all generalities, no specifics
I quickly realized that these so-called Get Rich Quick and Home Based Businesses were totally useless. And the owners knew it, yet they were laughing all the way to the bank! Needless to say I didn’t respond to any of their offers to buy their businesses or programs.
Surprisingly enough, I did find some programs that are run by real business owners that put real money in your pocket each month. They each have the potential to create a full-time income from home. These programs actually have a huge percentage of their membership actually making money. I realized that I had found a couple of diamonds in the rough.
The owners are real people who are really interested in helping you make money. The websites are packed with information and the products are filled with money making information. I contacted some of the people that used these programs and they were all in fact making money, some of them were making $20,000 and more per month and some were making a few hundred extra dollars each and every month.So the main thing here is to be careful and check the companies out before you get involved. You decide...
Most of the programs and courses do charge fees (some minimal and some larger) to get started but that is to be expected with any business. I found that they had a great staff that was willing to help me succeed. I recommend that you join programs that supply you with support,are always available via phone or e-mail and that they help you all the way in you advertising efforts.If you don’t get any support or you won’t be able to reach them,just simply stay away from these Program.
Well, my search for legitimate opportunities on the web has come to an end. I must say that I am thoroughly disappointed with what’s available out there and I would advise you to not take chances on any programs other than the one you have the criteria a just mentioned. If you do, however, I won’t say I told you so!
I wish you success in whatever decision you make and I sincerely hope that you find the program that will give you the life you are searching for.
Whatever you do **DO NOT** buy or pay to join any of these programs until you have tried all of the other “Get Rich Quick” programs out there and are unsatisfied with them, as you and I both **KNOW** you will be.
Have a look at the The SpiderWeb Marketing System,which is free to join and it is not a scam. You can create 22+ income streams and get paid for Life.
Join the SpiderWeb Marketing System today
Posted by
Monday, February 02, 2009
VENOM! That sounds like something a snake would have. And The SpiderWeb Marketing System ? Kind of creepy, right ? What is it? A bunch of itsy-bitsy spiders doing their own marketing on the web? No, not at all.
The SpiderWeb Marketing System is a system of marketing that uses the VENOM process, integrating a sleuth of 22 passive residual income streams, into one seamless, unified platform, for ease of use and maximum return.
VENOM Process
What is the VENOM process? It is a method that uses :
V : Vicarious
E : Extraction method of
N : Neglected profits,
O : Omnipresent in the
M : Marketing process and deals to create multiple streams of passive residual income.
The VENOM process is the frame work for the SpiderWeb Marketing System. It is the brainchild of social entrepreneur Kimball Roundy.
What is the SpiderWeb Marketing System?
It is a system of 22 and growing passive residual income streams. The system allows anyone with an internet connection to plug in to any of the 22 plus streams of residual income and begin to harness its power and potential.
What makes The SpiderWeb Marketing System different from many other plug and play systems on the web is that, for one thing The SpiderWeb Marketing System focuses on neglected streams of income. This keeps the competition low and the returns high. The SpiderWeb Marketing System profit streams are innovative and cutting edge. One such profit stream is the Self Bank Mobile.
The SelfBank Mobile is positioned to drive the coming m-commerce revolution and by integrating it into The SpiderWeb Marketing System, Kimball Roundy has positioned it and its operators to be at the vanguard of this emerging m-commerce revolution.
Also, The SpiderWeb Marketing System is user friendly. Unlike some other system where you have to download, install and upload files, there is absolutely nothing to download with The SpiderWeb Marketing System.
Here are some of the things I REALLY LIKE about The SpiderWeb Marketing System.
a) I like the ease of use of the system. This is made even easier by the massive video support that comes with The SpiderWeb Marketing System.
Some of its component streams are cutting edge and have the potential for massive reach and return by reason of their potential effect on the business world in particular and society at large.
b) I also like the fact that you do not have to have a website to harness the power of The SpiderWeb Marketing System. There are no files to download and complicated scripts to configure, upload and update.
c) The Initial sign up process to the different passive residual income streams can take quite some time. Though the sign-up is easy, for the component parts, it takes some time to complete them all. Let me qualify that by saying that The Spiderweb Marketing System does not require that you sign on to all the different streams, but the reward for doing so is great and a good reason to. So it comes down to work verses reward.
This reviews have been published on several directories all across the net. Read more of
The SpiderWeb Marketing System
Posted by
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Kenneth Koh of LeadsLeap on 1st Aug 08 stated that PASSIVE INCOME DOES NOT EXISTS !!
Don't be alarmed.... actually,it's all in the definition. Most people defined Passive Income as “making money without having to do anything”. This sounded like sitting in front of TV watching "Who wants to be a Millionaire" and out of a sudden, you'll become a Millionaire !! Wow !
Generating more than 12 Passive Incomes The SpiderWeb Marketing way is not hard. The system itself is 100% Free and what you need to do is having a domain name and hosted to the compatible server and spent a small fraction of money on targeted leads ie Adwords.
The system has been designed to generate more than 12 passive income and still counting...
Check here for the BEST system ever created:
SpiderWeb System
Posted by
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Videos use in Multi-level marketing has skyrocketed in 2008. MLM websites have shifted their focus from the “* FREE! FREE! FREE!*” (glaringly suspicious asterisk) pitches to friendly expertise video models. The typical bombastic text usually encountered when you click on a new MLM website has been bound up and sealed away in
some ebook yet to be purchased. Instead, an automated flash player video greets me promising a better way to boost my business. Nearly a dozen sites now market free videos that introduce human testimonials and products that, in a uncanny way, remind me of You Tube home entertainment.
I’ve looked around at several of these free video systems hot in the industry. The video system has recently seemed more user friendly and entertaining than reading website text. However, I have quickly found out that free videos differ in two ways.
The video model always promises to be a free teaching tool, but rarely does it hold up. Among Mike Dillard, the Spiderweb System, and other video producing marketers, only the Spiderweb System actually functions as a free system that caters to the user specifically. Dillard’s model adds up to being a seven day, seven video commercial that attempts(poorly) to downplay its ultimate goal of selling me an ebook. How disappointing. My time wasted watching all seven videos was time wasted watching an infomercial.(Could have done that at two in the morning instead.) When
I finished one video I had to excruciatingly wait until the next day when I was given “access” to view the next, which happened to be (unsurprisingly and disconcertingly) precariously similar to the video I had watched the day before. Fishy business in my opinion. Although the medium has changed from tag lines: “FREE FREE FREE**” to “introduction videos,” Dillard’s aim (like the rest of the MLMs) functions ultimately to sell a silly ebook that gets me no where in the marketing world.
With such an experience, you can imagine my skepticism when I tried the new SpiderWeb System videos. I wanted to know if this new medium of MLM could hold it promise and implement well into my business. Hosted by the founder of The SpiderWeb System himself, Kimball Roundy, the videos are straightforward and aren’t trying to sell me any ebook full of “secrets” at the end. Instead of talking to me about his product, Kimball had set everything in place for me to begin making passive income during the first five minutes of the first video and willing taught me how to boost my business right then and there (which sold me on his way of doing MLM). I didn’t have to go back and re read anything !!
Instead I was setting up my new business strategies right then, during the video time. (Talk about a time saver.) The comprehensive and user friendly videos are available in full at any time to me without charge and each walks me through a step-by-step process that got me somewhere immediately. There is no “revolutionary” ebook to buy when the curtains closed, only internet suave and down line girth.
In boosting my home business I tried and tried a different Company, then another, then another, I spent THOUSANDS of dollars on training courses and “Proven Turnkey Systems”, I spent THOUSANDS of dollars on leads but never came across an actual video that could help with any of my efforts. Until .... The SpiderWeb Marketing System. These videos worked in a completely different way than Dillard’s or any other MLM company has. They actually deliver the product and set in place the way for me to get somewhere in my business, at my convenience (as opposed to the seven day wait). The video model hot in the MLM industry is being used in two ways it seems: on one hand, it functions like a longer, more enticing commercial for an ebook. But on the other hand, and alone in the market, the SpiderWeb System uses videos as their medium for actually teaching and setting up my own business better, free of charge, ZERO cost !!
This new way of using videos by The SpiderWeb system has allowed me to start gaining multiple streams of income efficiently and effectively. I am excited to start work toward that big dream of Work less hours, Become a Millionaire, Buy my Dream Car, Enjoy my time and my life my way.
To check out the only system in the MLM industry that uses free video tutorials in a real, efficient, and non-commercial way visit The SpiderWeb Marketing System only five minutes, and you’ll experience the difference.
For more info:
Posted by
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Since joining the 3900income I met another netpreneur in there, Mehmood Khalid, that has a big following in Yuwie.
He had joined 10k matrix that was opened at beginning Jan 2009. This program is co-owned by netpreneur Ahmet Asar and actor Anthony Martins.
10k is very similar to 3900income and has following tweaks, it is a 3x8 forced matrix, has weekly payouts and a lot of marketing tools in the backoffice. 90% of the funds injected into the program is disbursed back to the members and when you have your matrix filled you are making about $10.000 US/ mth.
10k also has the 24/7 chatroom that works like a information/ customer service/ support/ training center all in one. Both Owner's are frequently present and many hosts and members are available for questions and advice of how to go about promoting 10k.
The atmosphere in 10k is very relaxed and supportive, like a big family.
For signing up and getting paid you need an Alertpay account as Paypal do not work with matrix programs as per their policies.
For more info or if you like to join our chat room click the banner below:
Posted by
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Internet multi-level marketers, purposefully or not, side step the most efficient way to the use the internet and all that the internet offers to build business and social networks.
Almost all MLM programs still rely on the old tactic of an ebook. This ebook when purchased requires an average 2.5 rereads that (by the sheer fact that it is a book) cannot interactively help clients establish and implement practical marketing strategies. Clients are left with a text to help them on the internet. A book of instructions, like an outdated VCR manual. What would the solution look like?
I’ve been impressed with The SpiderWeb Marketing System because I researched thoroughly and know this is the best system. I spent THOUSANDS of dollars on leads, I tried a different Company, then another, then another. I spent THOUSANDS of dollars on training courses and “Proven Turnkey Systems”. But I came across The SpiderWeb Marketing System and was impressed because I was excited to get the the Revolutionary Lead Generation System, I wanted to escape my uplines, I wanted to learn exactly what it takes to leverage the power of the internet to grow my business. I was excited to be able to generate my own endless stream real-time Home Based Business Targeted leads.
Recently something has caught my eye that this company does better than any other that I have tried....
I have asked myself, why not use the internet to present an interactive way to establish and implement the marketing strategies? Well, okay, maybe not that exact question. But maybe, something like, “why can’t we just make it easier to do business better on the internet??”
The SpiderWeb System, founded by Kimball Roundy, does just this. It works through a series of free video tutorials that have incorporated within the web page the necessary tools to start building over twelve verifiable streams of income.
It works like this :
- you watch a video and while you’re watching you are actually clicking buttons, setting up your streams, and getting you business out there.
The BEST part is : everything to get started and working is right there all ready for business and marketers on the page. This, to me, seems more efficient and effective.
Whereas other companies waste time expecting clients to read and re-read ebooks, then start working on their networking, The SpiderWeb Marketing System already has it ready for their clients right within the free video tutorials.
Likewise, other companies do not effectively use the internet for all that it has to offer. The verifiable multiple streams of passive income that the SpiderWeb system uses comes straight from logical, practical, and productive internet use. Most MLMs use one or two strategies that may use the internet but ultimately get their clients no where. There are millions of people plugged into the internet every day looking for exactly what companies, like yours or mine, has to offer. Here is where the SpiderWeb system shines. Using the ins and outs of internet traffic, the system has been developed to best leverage the internet. Why not use what the internet in the most efficient way possible and make money doing so? The SpiderWeb system knows how to use all the top Internet companies to work for businesses and marketers.
If you’re interested in the common sense that I’ve been talking about visit:
Posted by
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Lead Generation is generally regarded as necessary to run a
business. Whether you have a Fortune 500 company or a small
home-based operation, people who are interested in what you have
to offer are essential if that business is to be viable and you
are to make a profit.
Of course, word of mouth benefits all sorts or businesses - and
there are ways of stimulating this - but getting started in a
small business, or growing an already existing operation,
requires more proactive steps.
A common approach is to buy leads. However, very often buyers
will simply lose their money doing this, especially if you buy
generic leads or those who’ve shown only a marginal interest in
your business.
One of the worst strategies would be buying a list of email
addresses for generic leads, especially those sold to multiple
users. When someone receives an email and doesn’t know who you
are, forget about selling to that person. You can send out many
thousands of emails and the response will be negligible - except
for hostile, abusive replies!
Safer, and more profitable, is developing an automatic lead
generation system that is either free or else costs very little
to set up and maintain. In particular, you require the exact
steps that will put your lead generation on auto-pilot -
techniques that come with step-by-step instructions. The yellow
brick road will then be paved with gold.
If your business requires phone numbers, this can be taken into
account when you set up your free lead generation system. Design
it so that your leads are not only pre-qualified but you are able
to obtain telephone numbers at this time.
Postal leads are another solution - meaning the snail-mail
variety. This is also risky, as well as being expensive. For
instance, a common mistake is to mail a full package to
unqualified leads. A better, and cheaper, approach is to first
send a post card so that you aren’t incurring costs on people who
simply aren’t interested or who may have already joined your
However, it isn’t easy to even recover costs with postcards. Many
find it really hard.
It isn’t all just doom and gloom, though. You still need leads
and there are methods which enable you to set up an automatic
lead generation system, put them into an autoresponder for a
series of emails, and send them a postcard later! However, to
just buy leads and mail postcards has been a huge money loser for
thousands of people.
The secret is to pre-qualify. The essential ingredient in
building a lead generation system is to be sure you pre-qualify
them for your offer! Fortunately, there are free and low-cost
methods for doing this. Some of them will be mentioned briefly
here. You should follow-up with a fuller, in-depth study of
Method 1. Viral List Builders. Techniques that encourage users
to pass the product onto others, such as ebooks, jokes, cartoons,
pictures, and important information.
Method 2. Ad Co-Op Publishing. Co-operative ventures with others
who agree to place your advertising on their web pages in
exchange for you doing the same with their ads.
Method 3. Forum Tricks. There are thousands of forums covering
just about every topic. These provide opportunities to become
known and to introduce readers to your informal advertising, as
with your forum signature.
Method 4. Article Marketing Strategies. Articles are valuable as
sources of content and information, as well as providing back
links to your web site and pages.
Method 5. Special Bonuses. There are many ways incentives can be
used to join your email list and to convert visitors to buyers.
Method 6. Reverse Marketing. Join every offer you can find that
is related to your market and contact the person making that
offer. They have already demonstrated an interest in your
particular niche and are likely to require more quality
Method 7. Joint Ventures. Contact others who have shown a
similar interest and invite them to JV with you. They provide
leads and you just close the sales, offering a discount to their
Many of the costly lead generation approaches are costly failures
for internet marketers wanting a profitable online business.
However, it is possible to set up a successful low cost system
that will automatically capture leads and build a long-term,
profitable relationship with them.
Get My Cost Effective Lead Generation System at:
SpiderWeb System
Posted by
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I’m writing this about Zrii, but it applies to just about any product that requires sales to anyone. Which, is just about everything.
You may be looking into Zrii, or any other product, trying to figure out if it is the right business program to get you that expensive, shiny thing you’ve been dreaming of, or at least help pay the bills. You may have gotten into it a while ago, hit a flurry of enthusiastic buyers who quickly died out, and are now looking for ways to jump start your business.
The thing about Zrii right now, is that you are not only competing with others who are selling it in the same program as you, not to mention the natural market limitations of a product like Zrii, but you are also competing with thousands of well-established distributors of products like Xango and Tahitian Noni, whose products have been doing well on the market for years.
Even if there were a chance that Zrii could cure Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, you’e still going to have a hard time selling to the lady who just spent $400 on Noni and told the Xango guy to take a hike.
It’s a problem that most people in this industry run into. You need people to work with, and because so many other businesses have been scooping up the people you’re looking for, they can be hard to find. In my experience with MLM, I initially struggled because I didn’t have enough leads, I couldn’t keep my recruits
excited, I didn’t know enough about the business to train anyone, I didn’t know how to “sell”. You may have as well.
The SpiderWeb Marketing System can help you break through the limitations of network marketing. Basically, the SpiderWeb System is a lead generator. You need people to sell to, and the SpiderWeb System will help you find them. It is a networking system that will help you create relationships with other people who are looking for similar
business opportunities. Best of all, you make money while you do it.
The SpiderWeb Marketing System is a system designed to integrate over twelve different sources of income. Through a fully-automated, free system that requires little effort, you can become the recipient of a steady income, while creating mutually advantageous business relationships that will be beneficial to your venture in Zrii.
The SpiderWeb Marketing System is a free way to develop your Zrii business, while making a substantial additional income. Luckily, for me and for you, The SpiderWeb Marketing System is a great way to break through those struggles and increase your
income, no matter what you are selling.
For more info:
Posted by
Monday, January 26, 2009
I just joined a few days ago My Ladyweb, it is a huge website with a lot of features for those who are into affiliate marketing and sales.
I joined up as a free member and received a complimentary website that I uploaded to a free website and set up with my amazon ads and all that goes with it. You get the html and all you need to do is to upload it to a website of your choosing. I will link it to one of my blogs.
There is also a section with free downloads, they are so many that I'm sure anyone will find something useful there.
My Ladyweb is run by a lady called Teresa Donnan and for those interested her blog is here: Myladyweb blog
MyLadyWeb AdSense Made Free & Easy!
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I will see how this goes and maybe when it is possible I upgrade and take more websites.
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Sunday, January 25, 2009
Guerilla Tactics.
Viral Marketing.
Covert Recruiting.
Top Secret Strategies.
Businesses will often use these exciting words to hype up a product and distract from the boring (albeit important) business details. You get caught up in the excitement of a renegade way to make cash, and focus less on the important aspects, like:
- How is the money made?
- How much is made?
- How reliable is it?
- What do I have to do to become involved?
These are the Four Critical Questions that must be asked when becoming involved with any network marketing company.
The Four Critical Questions of MLM. These are the real questions that need to be answered in MLM. As exciting as the MLM Guerilla Virus is, unless you can see through the fancy action words, you are no closer to putting groceries on the table.
That is why it is so important to find a system out there that will give it to you straight. A business opportunity that will level with you, and give you real answers to the Four Critical Questions of MLM.
A close look at these questions will help you know if a system is good for you.
1) How is the money made? Before you even know how much you can make, it is important to know where the money comes from. Product sales? Recruiting bonuses? Commissions? Fewer large payouts? Many smaller deposits? This is the most important thing to find out.
2) How much can be made? Like Question #1, this is extremely important, and it can be difficult to determine. Sales pitches will always give you the most optimistic results imaginable, so its up to you to sift through the sales shout and consider what is being promised and how they are promising it. Hopefully then you’ll have a better idea what you can make.
3) How reliable is it? Anyone can promise you a million dollars overnight. It may even be technically possible, if all the universe aligns at the exact moment you click to sign up, but its not likely. That’s why you must ask this question. This can be a little easier to answer, if you pay attention. Just listen and ask yourself if its realistic. But remember that no matter what, they will tell you that it is.
4) What do I have to do to become involved? This can sometimes be a tricky one too. Expect to be strung along, clicking here and there to access this and that, without much of a solid answer. More of this trickery is a bad thing. The sooner you can find out, the more sure you can be that they aren’t asking for a firstborn.
As soon as you know the answer to these Four Critical Questions, you will be able to give it some thought and come up with the answer to the most important question of them all.
Is it right for me?
This is the same question I asked before I joined The SpiderWeb Marketing System. After going through these questions, I realized that SpiderWeb Marketing System was the answer for me. I looked at all the details, and studied it out, and eventually signed up because Kimball Roundy is oh so wonderful, I wanted to develop my downlines, It brings the most success with the least amount of work.
And you know what? The Four Critical Questions Test works. It has been great so far, and I know that I will continue to be successful because I am excited to gain solid leads, I researched thoroughly and know this is the best system, Kimball and his corporate staff have been very helpful, It has been wonderful so far. It is a brilliant business model that makes perfect sense.
Put it to the test. Join The SpiderWeb Marketing System.
Click for more info
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Sunday, January 25, 2009
Just a short post : I wanted to point out an important reason that makes The SpiderWeb System is so good.
Unfortunately, most people that attempt a multi-level marketing program often end up losing money. Why does this happen? For the same reason that I did :
My Sponsor recruited me and then left me hanging.
My Sponsor is new too and couldn’t train me.
I didn’t know enough about the business to train anyone. (Sob! Sob!)
Many, if not most multi-level marketing programs require that the user pay an initial fee. This fee is also known as an opt-in fee. People that have little or no knowledge about how MLMs work often pay this fee, and then after a little frustration quickly give up. After all, the person that recruited them has already made some money off of them.
Fortunately, the SpiderWeb Marketing System does not require an initial opt-in fee. It was developed specifically for this reason.
Since there is no opt-in fee, your upline makes money only when you are successful and making money as well. That means that they will have a genuine interest in you and your success. This eliminates the threat of having a sponsor that just takes your money and bails out on you quickly thereafter, which can happen alarmingly frequently.
I joined The SpiderWeb Marketing System because I was excited to find a system that actually actually does the work for me, I wanted to escape my uplines, I wanted to gain access to the 22+ step-by-step tutorial videos, I wanted to develop my downlines, I was excited to be able to generate 12 plus streams of passive residual income.
It has been great for me so far, and again, has not cost me anything to join.
Being able to give multi-level marketing a shot without having to buy anything, pay an opt-in fee, or put yourself at any risk has is an amazing opportunity and experience which I am excited to share with you. The SpiderWeb Marketing System will “help you DO” what those marketing e-books only tell you to do. With no risk involved, you literally have nothing to lose!
Thanks for reading.
For more information on how The SpiderWeb Marketing System can help you increase your wealth,with no opt-in fee to pay, just visit :
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Saturday, January 24, 2009
I have a great story for you. This is not the story of how Rico, who sold beans at a roadside stand in Barstow, CA, rode the MLM train to riches. But it is a good perspective at what Spider Web Marketing will do for you that no one else will.
Besides being the easiest, most effective, and most efficient way to build your business, Spider Web Marketing provides you with something that no other system does. Instant Results.
As an internet and network marketer, I've seen many different programs out there. If you get involved in the home business network and begin looking around the Internet for ways to develop your business, there's a good chance you'll be bombarded with a hundred different loud, multi-colored websites that scream at you that, "This system will make you a millionaire!" They are all the same. They will bash on whatever you are doing and tell you that you are doing it wrong. That's where they pose the problem. Then, they suggest the idea of some magical solution "That I will now reveal to a select group of ferocious entrepreneurs!" Then, they give you anywhere from 6 to 43 jaw-dropping testimonials of so-and-so who used to sell beans at a roadside stand in Barstow, CA but now drives a Lamborghini, lives in a mansion in Laguna Beach, and has a trophy wife from an exotic country. Its all the same.
Then comes the punchline: "This can all be yours too!" "How!?" you exclaim, burning up the scroll button on the mouse to find out. "All you have to do is Buy my book!" Or, "Subscribe to my newsletter!" Or, "Buy my videos!" Or, well, you get the idea. No one offers instant success. Nobody does anything for you. They'll send you a complicated manual for a complicated system and send you on your way. Yeah, you'll get an email every day to remind you of yet another rags to riches story that is not about you, but that's about the extent of it. Maybe you'll pound your head against a wall for a while and go back to your day job, or maybe you'll get lucky. It's a toss up. And there you are.
Okay, so while the story of our bean-selling friend may be a little extreme, a lot of us can identify with him. We're maybe doing something below our potential and making less money than we'd like, and would love an opportunity to reverse those aspects of our lives. And that's where we end up hoping we can ride the gravy train with some Internet "guru" will put us chilling in the pool behind our 10,000 sq. ft. Mediterranean on the hill overlooking I-5 in Orange County.
I joined The SpiderWeb Marketing System because I was excited to be able to generate 12+ streams of passive residual income
I wanted to learn exactly what it takes to leverage the power of the internet to grow my business
I wanted to gain access to the 22+ step-by-step tutorial videos
It brings the most success with the least amount of work
I wanted to develop my downlines. Since joining, I feel confident that I will be successful because It has been wonderful so far.
The unique thing about The Spider Web Marketing System is that it does something for you. No one will ever try to sell you a book, a course, or a set of videos. (Actually, the video set is free.) The Spider Web Marketing System is designed to do the work for you, as soon as you become involved, and you make money as soon as you become involved. Instant results, with no more than five minutes a day, is a package that no one else can match. Spider Web Marketing is the most efficient and effective way to build your network business and put money in your pocket right away.
(For more information visit ).
Posted by
Friday, January 23, 2009
Magnetic Sponsoring is a good, well-established program. BUT The SpiderWeb Marketing System is better. Better as in, easier to set up, takes less time to maintain, and most importantly, makes more money.
There are so many different Internet systems out there that make all sorts of claims. Before getting into The SpiderWeb Marketing System, I also investigated Power Prospecting System.
I heard good things about Magnetic Sponsoring. Founded by Mike Dillard, it is a seful program, and you can really learn a great deal from it. Indeed, The SpiderWeb Marketing System is built around the same type of funded proposal system that Magnetic Sponsoring is built on.
But, there are some significant differences that are quite obvious. The first is cost. The main thing that Magnetic Sponsoring is selling is Mike Dillard’s business book, that goes into great detail and helps you understand the funded proposal system, and gives you guidance and a good starting point to begin to establish the system that will bring in profit.
Compare that with The SpiderWeb Marketing System, which offers a free system that will do just about everything for you and get you set up with ease, to make money almost immediately. While it doesn’t offer the in-depth text that Magnetic Sponsoring does, it actually gives you the vehicle to make money, and sets itself up for you, while also including 22 training videos (and still counting).
The second difference to look at is the source of income. As is evident from their introductory video, the primary source of income in Magnetic Sponsoring is from the prospect of leads that it generates. Once you’ve studied the book and learned how to implement the things taught in it, you can create a system that will bring in people that you can develop good relationship with and eventually pitch your primary business too. The SpiderWeb Marketing System is designed to increase your income as soon as you get set up. You can begin making money in less than an hour.
Magnetic Sponsoring has ONE (1) source of income. The SpiderWeb marketing System has TWENTY-TWO (22)sources of income. Granted, that one primary source from Magnetic Sponsoring can be very substantial, but if its not successful, you could be left high and dry. Contrast that to the 22 sources of income offered by The SpiderWeb Marketing System. Some may fluctuate, but with 22 streams of income, you are sure to have a significant positive flow that is consistent.
I’m not going to tell you that Magnetic Sponsoring is a bad program, but I will tell you that the SpiderWeb Marketing System is an amazing program that offers so much more than any other system. I can tell you a good program when I see one. Let me reiterate one important point: Its totally 100% free.
Take it from me - SpiderWeb Marketing System is a safe venture, designed to incorporate the successes with many new innovative money-making strategies.
There are thousands who would agree.
The SpiderWeb Marketing System rocks the World !!
For more info:
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Thursday, January 22, 2009
I've heard a lot about the Reverse Funnel System lately. It looks like a good program. Here's what I think about it.
You may have been attracted to Ty Coughlin's guaranteed money-making machine, the Reverse Funnel System. Seeing the picture of him lounging around in his swim trunks at his Hawaiian beach house may have sold you on the dream. Or maybe it was the testimonial of Kursten with his bright yellow Lamborghini, or Doug with his private plane. Either way, the idea of guaranteed six figures sounds appealing to anyone, beach house, Lambi, or jet aside. Money talks.
So you're in. You've paid the start-up fees and gotten good advice. You've got the ambition. You've got the direction. You've got the fail proof system.
You've also got a problem. Where is your money coming from? Multiple streams of income sound great, but these aren't the kind of streams that spring up spontaneously from the earth. These kind of streams spring from someone else's wallet. And that's all cool, business is business, but its got to come from somewhere.
This is where many home business entrepreneurs run into a tough spot. All the family has been bugged. All the friends badgered. The lead lists have been bought and scavenged. The cottage meetings have been held with marginal results at best. The fliers have been hung up, rained on, ripped off, and are now being gently blown down the street, only to soon end up in someone's trash pile.
You're in a common spot. You've got a great product and all the enthusiasm in the world to make you wildly rich. You just need someone to start writing your checks. That is where The Spider Web Marketing System comes in as a perfect complement to maximize your venture in the Reverse Funnel System or any other Internet business. In economic terms, these are complementary services, not substitutes.
The Spider Web Marketing System is not designed to compete with your business. Its designed to enhance it. They're not trying to convince you to sell their cancer-curing tropical fruit juice or travel package. The product behind the Spider Web Marketing System is... the Spider Web Marketing System!
The product is a streamlined Internet marketing program created to bring in interested, quality leads and revenue with no additional effort on your part. Its based on what is called a funded proposal system, which uses the original funds to continue to perpetuate the leads and income that it generates. Developed by a team with years of Internet Marketing experience, the Spider Web Marketing System perfects the Google Adword program to maximize its efficiency in directing leads to you. With only a small investment, (anything less than $50) the funded proposal system continually generates interested leads and builds your network, building upon itself and continually growing larger.
The interested leads are not just people who have accidentally stumbled across your website, either. These are people that actually sought out a chance to specifically become involved in your entrepreneurial business venture. They need you, and you need them. The Spider Web Marketing System is just the vehicle to bring everyone together.
No matter what your business venture is, you need leads. You may have the best product in the best system ever invented in the free market economy, but you still need someone to buy it. The Spider Web Marketing System will bring leads to you. It's the perfect way to maximize your success in the Reverse Funnel System or any other business venture.
For more info:
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I once knew a guy who did pretty well for himself through Tahitian Noni. But I know you've heard something like that before. Now, I'm always quite skeptical of all the amazing MLM testimonials about so and so who went from rags to riches and would like you to join his downline as soon as he returns from his month vacation in the Maldives. You should be skeptical too. But I actually was friends with this guy and saw it with my own eyes. No, there was not a 120 ft. yacht or private jet (although there was a nice ski boat), but he was doing pretty well.
A former Alaskan Hunting Guide, he became involved in the Tahitian Noni program, did quite well, and built a lovely home on the shore of the beautiful Canyon Ferry Lake near Helena, Montana. (As an avid hunter, I'll toss in this personal aside: he also had twenty to thirty foot vaulted ceilings with some of the most impressive North American Big Game trophies I have ever seen adorning the walls. If Noni pays for that, sign me up.)
That said, you get the point. You can really, truly, honesty make some serious dollars in fruit-product MLMs such as Tahitian Noni or Xango. But are you? If you are, congratulations, I would recommend a ranch in Montana. But if you are not making the kind of money you're dreaming of, lets talk about it. Why not?
You may be the king of Xango-Mango-Noniness or whatever you're selling. There may be no one who loves it more, knows more about it, or sells it better than you. But you know what? My friend in Montana didn't make it big on product sales alone. He made it because he had an extensive downline of active distributors. And the distributors in his downline had extensive downlines of their own. And they had downlines, and so on... you've seen the charts. It sounds so simple, but how do you get to the top level of a multi-level marketing system?
The answer is leads. Its that magical word you hear so much. You've been to training seminars on how to get them, bought eBooks or lecture series on them, or maybe even paid for a cold list. But if your experience is anything like 95% of all others in MLM, it may not be working too well.
You're in a common spot. You've got a great product and all the enthusiasm in the world to make you wildly rich. You just need to find good solid leads to develop your downline. That's where The Spider Web Marketing System comes in as a perfect complement to maximize your venture in Tahitian Noni, Xango, or any other entrepreneurial business.
The product is a streamlined Internet marketing program created to bring in interested, quality leads and revenue with no additional effort on your part. Its based on what is called a funded proposal system, which uses the original funds to continue to perpetuate the leads and income that it generates. With only a (very) small investment (anything less than $50), the funded proposal system continually generates interested leads and builds your network, building upon itself and continually growing larger.
The interested leads are not just people who have accidentally stumbled across your website, either. These are people that actually sought out a chance to specifically become involved in your entrepreneurial business venture. They need you, and you need them. The Spider Web Marketing System is just the vehicle to bring everyone together.
The Spider Web Marketing System will bring leads to you. It's the perfect way to maximize your success in Noni, Xango, or any other business venture.
No matter what your business venture is, you need leads. You may have the best healthy, tasty, miracle beverage ever discovered since water, but you still need leads to help you build your network and bring in the serious money - the kind of money that builds huge trophy-filled lakeside homes.
(For more information visit ).
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009
In any business, the money has to come from somewhere. Whether it's from sales revenue or service charges or other transactions, the bitter business truth is that every dime in your pocket used to be in someone else's. It's not a bad thing. Just because you have money that used to be in someone else's possession doesn't mean that the former owner is now busting out the food stamps. Through however many transactions between however many parties, you received money, and they received either goods or services. And that's how an economy works.
On a less Macro scale, in the world of network and multi-level marketing this principle remains especially true and obvious. At the very core of your business, you make money through the sale of goods or services to someone. You yourself may never sell a thing and be living in a huge mansion, but odds are you're benefiting from the sale of something to someone. This system of making sales work for you is part of the appeal of MLM. Downlines. You benefit from the work of others. The more people you have in your downlines, the more profit you are making. Downlines make sales. You make money. End of story. But what's the name of the game?
Leads. The hottest commodity of MLM. If you've got 'em, you've got it. If not, you're going to be working really, really hard to pay for that huge mansion on door-to-door sales and Tupperware parties. If you can get downlines, you can get money. In order to have downlines, you need leads. In short, leads equal money.
And that's the MLM secret, which you already know, of course. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that you can't make a fortune by yourself in this business. But just because you know that you need leads doesn't mean you can find them. And that's where so many MLM ventures fail. It is a commonly reported statistic that well over 90% of those involved in MLM never make a profit. But you can bet that a healthy supply of leads will keep in you in the successful ten percent.
There's a couple different ways to go about it. You can do what most MLMers do (and fail): make a list of your friends and family (sound familiar?), pass out 'business op' fliers, spend lots of money and have social functions, beg, plead, scream, pass out, wake up, continue. Eventually, the strenuous effort takes its toll on your health and you leave the industry to do something a little more docile and less stressful on your health, like substitute teaching in an alternative high school.
Personally, I , with limited success.
There is a better way. A way to channel leads to your business who come looking for it. The Spider Web Marketing System is a system designed to do one thing: generate leads. And it does so with the greatest effectiveness and efficiency in the industry. It's based on what is called the funded proposal system, a system that utilizes highly developed Internet marketing strategies to bring interested, real leads. The best part of funded proposal, and the great appeal of The Spider Web Marketing System, is that it perpetuates itself, so that it keeps itself going and continues to generate income for you, while continually sending quality leads your way.
There are other ways to get leads. You can put down some serious cash for "lead lists" who will give you pages and pages of innocent people who have been called a hundred times, and you can work off of that. But with Spider Web Marketing, these are leads that come to you. They are "fresh leads," meaning that they have not been called before or come from any list. These are people, who using the Internet, seek out a business opportunity and come straight to you.
The SpiderWeb Marketing System has been great for me because It has been wonderful so far. Its helped me get more leads, grow my business, and make more money, and helped me on my goal to Gain financial freedom.
Gain time freedom.
Spend my time with my family.
Obtain economic independence.
Enjoy my time and my life my way.
Share my knowledge with others.
Work less hours.
Quit my J.O.B. and be FREE.
Retire early.
Become a Billionaire.
Basically, The Spider Web Marketing System is a lead generating machine. And in a business where leads are the name of the game, that's a piece of equipment you can't afford to be without.
For more information visit .
Posted by
Monday, January 19, 2009
Hey There ! Thanks for visiting my blog! Today I want to share with you a compelling story from Kimball Roundy, founder and inventor of The SpiderWeb Marketing System. It pretty much describes a lot of his struggles, and how he overcame them and established this awesome system. Personally, I can totally identify with the things he went through, which is part of the reason I feel so confident with his system. Here it goes, in his words.
The Depressed but Blessed Monday
I will never forget the day I first stumbled across the concepts that started me down the path of research and development of the Spider Web Marketing System. It was early on a long depressing Monday morning that my life was changed forever. This Monday was depressing not only because I found myself back at my dead-end job yet again, but far worse because I had spent the previous three weeks preparing for the recruiting-event-to-end-all-recruiting-events. It was to be the most successful "meeting" that anyone had ever seen.
The Master Plan
I was certain that after this huge "opportunity" BBQ, everyone in my company was going to be coming to me to figure out what I had done to recruit so many people. I had my small downline buzzing with excitement about how we were all going to be able to kick back and watch the cash roll in after this event. Previous small casual BBQ's at my home had been somewhat effective and encouraging, so I was sure that this large gathering was going to be just that much more effective.
I spent well over $1,000 getting ready for the BBQ. I purchased enough hamburgers and hot dogs to feed a small army, as well as volleyball equipment, horseshoes, and badminton sets. I rented the largest park in town, a grill the size of my truck and everything else I could think of to make this an enjoyable and successful "meeting".
Then, with a bit of help from some of my top guys, I passed out between ten and fifteen thousand flyers. We talked to everyone we knew and everyone we met as we were preparing for the event. I literally only slept an hour or two each night for the entire week leading up to the BBQ.
Finally, the day arrived. There was a buzz of excitement running through my whole organization. Unfortunately, it would soon be smothered, along with the hearts of everyone who had worked so hard to help put this event together. So, out of the 20,000 people who had heard about the BBQ or got a flyer, the grand total that showed up was...76. Not quite the 5,000 I was hoping for or even the 500 I was willing to settle for--76.
To add salt to an already painful wound, out of those 76 I was able to pitch my opportunity to, there was a total signup of -24.
"How is that possible?" you ask.
Well, I had worked and overworked my entire team and placed way too much emphasis on how well things were going to work out and how easy it was going to be once we were done recruiting the masses that were inevitably going to show up. So, in the face of this massive failure, I lost any and all confidence that my team had in me as a leader. Within a few days, despite my best effort to retain them, I had lost them all.
So there I found myself -- broke, broken, depressed, forced to go back to a job which I had hoped never to return to and searching for any reason I could find to keep myself from giving up on my MLM dream.
Then I found it - the key, the concept, and the strategy with which to make it a reality (which had been hidden right under my nose for five years) that unlocked my mind from the chains that this industry had placed on me. This is the concept that would open my eyes to a new way of looking at this business and a way of seeing things that I had never before been shown.
That is his great story. I'll explain more about the secret that he mentions. Actually, the secret is in the huge system that I write about, and every entry explains more of this complex and comprehensive system.
I totally know what he went through, because I went through it too. When I first joined MLM, I struggled because I didn't know enough people.
I didn't know enough about the business to train anyone.
My Friends and Family were not interested I didn't know how to "sell".
I didn't have enough leads. I couldn't stand cold calling.
It was tough, but I did my best to be successful. .
Eventually I realized that I needed more help because I was doing fine, but wanted to do better.
I was desperate for a way to grow my business.
I felt ambitious. I wanted to work hard with a new, fresh approach.
Quite simply, I wanted more income.
However, using The SpiderWeb Marketing System, I have maximized my business potential and brought real leads, business, and money to me.
Now it will do all the hard work for you... Guaranteed!
Find out more at .
Posted by
Saturday, January 17, 2009
This is an interesting post... at least I think so ;-)
Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I like to look at it as banging your head against a wall and expecting to make money for it. Doesn't usually work too well. There is apparently quite the debate amongst bloggers as to whether this was originally said by Benjamin Franklin, or Einstein, or someone else. Either way, its true. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is just not very smart any way you slice it.
The same thing applies to any business. The businesses that break the mold and do something new succeed. Those that continue with the status quo eventually are shown the Chapter 11 door. Horse carriage makers used to think that the whole automobile fad was just a phase that would pass. In a more modern example, huge, established airline companies are struggling while new, smaller companies are succeeding by focusing on low fares and customer satisfaction.
I know that is true, because when I first started in MLM, . It wasn't quite as successful as I had hoped, to put it lightly.
The original businesses of network marketing began almost 100 years ago, with vitamin sales in the US. Since then, its has grown into an enormous and comprehensive industry with companies on all continents. (Yes, all continents. Somewhere, some scientist in Antarctica is pitching Xango or something like that to one of his coworkers. You know it) Obviously, the industry hasn't always remained the same, and success has favored the new and innovative. You shouldn't remain the same either.
MLM may have made you a millionaire. If so, stop reading and have a nice life. If not, you may be seeking a new way to break the mold of mediocrity and achieve that success that is captured by the few who possess the business courage and agility to do what it takes to get it.
Many people don't achieve the financial success that originally lured them into network marketing. They say, Hmm, Ive been working really hard to sell product X, and its not working well. Ill just sell product Y in the exact same type of system using the exact same techniques, and hope it works out. Insanity. Inconceivable.
The key is to try a different approach. Thats why I joined The SpiderWeb Marketing System. There is a better way to increase your income than badgering everyone you come in contact with to buy your product or join your system. The Spider Web Marketing System offers a new and innovative approach that has brought success to thousands of clients. It leverages the power of the Internet by maximizing the effectiveness of major search engines to direct new, fresh leads to you in a more efficient manner than any other system can provide. Thats only a portion of what it can do for you. The point is this: The Spider Web Marketing uses a ground-breaking principle called the funded-proposal system to perpetuate itself and bring people to you. You become the sole recipient of leads who are actually looking for an entrepreneurial opportunity. Thats only one unique facet of the many things that The Spider Web Marketing System can do to develop home businesses.
I joined The SpiderWeb Marketing System because I was excited to be able to generate 12+ streams of passive residual incomeI wanted to learn exactly what it takes to leverage the power of the internet to grow my businessI wanted to gain access to the 22+ step-by-step tutorial videosIt brings the most success with the least amount of workI wanted to develop my downlines.
Throughout history, whether in war or exploration or business, success comes to those who pioneer a new approach, while those who don't are left banging their heads against a wall. Insanity. There are so many restrictions to your potential for success in MLM, and The Spider Web Marketing System is the innovative strategy to go beyond those restrictions. The Spider Web Marketing System breaks the MLM mold to bring prosperity to those who are willing to take a little more than just what they can get.
(For more information visit ).
Posted by
Friday, January 16, 2009
I want to take this entry to explain something very important: the funded proposal system. This is an integral building block of The SpiderWeb Marketing System, yet few people truly understand it. For my entry, I want to take an explanation written by the founder and inventor of The SpiderWeb Marketing System, and insert it into my blog. Hopefully it will bring you increased understanding, as it has to me. It's a little long, but stick with it, as it will explain things very well.
The SpiderWeb Marketing System is a Revolutionary new Funded Proposal MLM Prospecting system which was developed by Kimball Roundy. It is designed to help Network Marketers in their business building efforts. The System Maximizes the power and reach of the Internet to bring targeted Network Marketing Prospects right to your door who are eager to get signed up with you, and instead of paying to generate or buy these leads, they end up PAYING YOU to become leads. In essence, instead of chasing people for your business, they start chasing and paying you to be considered as a prospect to join you. It is a pretty sweet concept and it works like a charm! IF you have the time to learn it and implement the system. What do you mean by "a Funded Proposal Prospecting System?" The basic (very simplified) idea behind a "Funded Proposal" prospecting system is this:
You use a website or system (as an "affiliate" usually with a specific affiliate referral tracking link) that is set up to generate MLM Targeted Leads by advertising "help" and or "training" that will help the person seeking the help (the LEAD) with generating leads for their primary business.
For example, you find someone searching Google or Yahoo who is looking for "MLM Leads" or "Network Marketing Leads" and show an ad to them that says essentially:
"Quit Wasting Your Time and Money on MLM Leads! Let Me Show you how to Generate your own, and get Paid by Each one of Them Whether or not They Join Your Business!"
If you were spending hundreds of dollars and hours and hours (maybe you are, if so, pay attention) buying and then contacting hundreds of leads, wouldn't the above idea appeal to you?
So, with this system you are advertising help or training, and in exchange for a free newsletter or basic e-book they give you their contact information (LEAD). This newsletter will usually tell them "WHAT" to do but not show them "HOW" to do it. Then, through reading the free newsletters or e-books or watching the free videos etc they are introduced to some product that they can buy (usually the Full details and step by step training on HOW to do what they just told you to do) and if the person who signed up for the info decides to purchase the product then you as the affiliate who referred them will make a commission. So, essentially what will happen is you, will be looking for a way to grow your business, you will find one of these sites and sign up for the free info (You are someone else's lead) then you decide you want to get the whole story, buy the product (book, e-book etc.) and the person who referred you makes $20 or $50 or whatever the commission amount for the bo!
ok sale is.
So, that is how a Funded Proposal is designed to work.
You sign up
Then you Set up the system by following the videos
The system manages all your Marketing for you
You get leads
You generate up to 12 streams of Passive Residual Income before/without ever talking to a single prospect or spending a DIME
You contact and build a relationship with your new, unique to you, real-time Network Marketing Targeted leads
Your business grows bigger, faster than with any other system, period.
Oh, and it is 100% FREE!
With the innovative 12 streams of income that they will generate for you before any product, service book or company is sold, it is THE FIRST TRUE "FUNDED PROPOSAL" where you get paid for your marketing before the lead has ever been contacted by anyone or sold anything!
I know, I have not explained that part, you are just going to have to head over and check it out to find out exactly how it works. Check it all out at
Posted by
Thursday, January 15, 2009